Monday, September 14, 2009

elias (sam) giangos

even elias running away from me taking a picture makes for a good picture. I'm going to catch him one day. sam is one amazing kid. really funny and witty, really drunk and fall downy, really self deprecating, really generous and kind. a hell of a good dude. apparently he has an abundance of steaks these days?

1 comment:

  1. Hey I've been trying to find this guy, Elias Sam Giangos for several years now. I knew him almost a decade ago in Fresno, CA and we lost touch. I'd really love to get a hold of him. Seeing as how this is a picture of his back, I'm not certain if it's him. The guy I'm looking for is from CA, Modesto originally, and lived in Portland for a time a couple years back. Please get back to me. Maybe you could pass on my info to him? Thanks so much..

    McKinzie Bridges Klein on FaceBook
